Saturday, July 28, 2012

Educational Philosophy

My philosophy of education starts with me, the educator. I believe that teachers and educators are to be looked at as role models for students in the classroom as well as in the community. I believe that educators who have overcome obstacles in their lives set the best example for students; no matter how hard or low you fall, you can always pick yourself back up. I am not campaigning for convicted felons to teach our youth, I am however advocating for those who come from broken homes and self doubt to empower our youth by being the example. 

I believe that every student has the right to a quality education, no matter their background. Every student present in class has an innate desire to learn, and as an educator it is our duty to engage them. Students come from all different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. As educators, we should embrace these differences and learn from them. How boring our world would be if we all looked and acted alike. As a teacher, I will celebrate these beautiful differences that make us who we are, while sharing these ideas with my students. Every student is as unique as their learning style. They should be celebrated and intellectually nurtured, not forced to conform to the teaching style of a particular educator.

My teaching style will reflect my passion for difference. Each student's educational needs will be met with different forms of instruction. Students will have one on one instruction as well as group instruction. My kinesthetic learners will have opportunities to learn classroom material from a hands on approach, they will be instructed the correct way to complete assignments then completing the tasks themselves with supervision. My auditory learners will learn by in class lectures and audio books that will be provided for home use. My visual learners will learn best by our in class videos; by seeing literature acted out on screen, they will be able to further grasp plot themes. I will have an open door policy when it comes to students as well as parents. I will send home a monthly newsletter encouraging parents to stay active in their child's learning. Each parent will have my personal e-mail address as well as my cell phone number to create a support system tailored for each child's educational needs. I want my classroom to be known as a safe haven for each student. I want them to be able to walk through my door and know that they can momentarily escape whatever personal, social, or home issues each child may face. 

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